Since the advent of the industrial revolution in the 19th century, the growth of our current economy is based on a linear production process of the product life cycle: raw material, production, consumption and disposal as waste.

Each day, there is more consensus that the continued growth of the world population and consumption is required to establish a new production model less dependent on energy and raw materials, so that you can go regenerating the planet’s ecosystem.

We need to think of new ways to produce, consume, and the value of the components of the products, with the aim of becoming more sustainable and generate more employment and wealth. Basically, it tries to recover at the end of the life cycle of the products the raw materials that have been created or reuse their components for new purposes.

Globalization is a good example of how we cannot continue with a linear economy. Today, China is the main consumer of raw materials and the factory of the world. In America and Europe receive their products, we eat and we are left with the waste, with the problems of pollution and landfill management, that it generates. In contrast, in a circular economy we would be, recovering and reusing the raw materials or manufacturing new products with the components of the previous ones.

Put in place a circular economy will require rethink all of the life cycles of products and their components so that they can be used for the same purpose for which they were designed or for another use. Also, there will be new technologies that will improve the design of the products and the way they are produced, with a greater deployment of renewable energy and the use of new regenerative materials, such as, for example, bio-materials that can return to the biosphere.

The best example of a circular economy already implanted is the life cycle of paper and cardboard through global flows established for recycling and recovery, making its raw material have up to seven cycles of life with the savings that this implies of natural resources which, in turn, are managed in a sustainable way.

Very soon our businesses will be the best showcase of the circular economy, through the implementation of a large number of new products and our ability to educate new consumers.

At the end of the day, we are the essential link between manufacturers and our customers.