Are consumers concerned about the environment?
85% of consumers are concerned about the environment.
83% of those who care a great deal or a fair amount about the environment say they are personally involved in caring for the environment.
This represents 71% of the sample.

Are consumers concerned about the environment?
85% of consumers are concerned about the environment.
83% of those who care a great deal or a fair amount about the environment say they are personally involved in caring for it.
This represents 71% of the sample.

What values is the paper bag spontaneously associated with?
The paper bag reaffirms itself as a transmitter of the values of sustainable ecology and the environment care.
Attributes spontaneously associated by at least 2 out of 3 respondents.

What values is the paper bag spontaneously associated with?
The Paper Bag reaffirms itself as a transmitter of the values of sustainable ecology and care for the environment. the environment.
Atributos asociados de forma espontánea por un mínimo de 2 out of 3 respondents.

What characteristics fit best with the paper bag?
Respondents associate the paper bag with the following characteristics:
• For 90 % it takes care of the environment.
• For 90 % it is biodegradable.
• For 88 % it is ecological.
• For 88 % it is renewables, from natural sources.
• For 83 % it is sustainable.
• For 82 % it conveys a better image of the store.
• For 82 % it gives a good image.
• For 78 % its environmental information is credible.
• For 61 % like to carry it on the street.

What characteristics fit best with the paper bag?
Respondents associate the paper bag with the following characteristics:
• For 90 % it takes care of the environment.
• For 90 % it is biodegradable.
• For 88 % it is ecological.
• For 88 % it is renewable, from natural sources.
• For 83 % it is sustainable.
• For 82 % it conveys a better image of the store.
• For 82 % it gives a good image.
• For 78 % its environmental information is credible.
• For 61 % like to carry it on the street.

Does the paper bag harm the environment?
74% of consumers know that a paper bag biodegrades over a period of about three months.

Does the paper bag harm the environment?
74% of consumers know that a paper bag biodegrades over a period of about three months.

Are consumers satisfied with the paper bag?
Consumers are very satisfied with the paper bag, giving it an average score of 5,46 points out of 7.
The main variables of satisfaction are the following:
• The good image they give of the stores where they shop.
• Care for the environment.
• Design.
• Quality.
• Practicality.
• Being able to use it for other things.
• Modernity.

Are consumers satisfied with the paper bag?
Consumers are very satisfied with the paper bag, giving it an average score of 5,46 points out of 7.
The main variables of satisfaction are the following:
• The good image they give of the stores where they shop.
• Care for the environment.
• Design.
• Quality.
• Practicality.
• Being able to use it for other things.
• Modernity.

What are the characteristics of an ideal bag for consumers?
The characteristics that consumers ask for in an ideal bag are the following:
• Resistant.
• Reusable.
• Recyclable.
• Suitable for what they buy.
• Sustainable.
• Biodegradable.

What are the characteristics of an ideal bag for consumers?
The characteristics that consumers ask for in an ideal bag are the following:
• Resistant.
• Reusable.
• Recyclable.
• Suitable for what they buy.
• Sustainable.
• Biodegradable.

What is the image of stores that provide paper bags?
For 36 % of consumers the image is very excellent.
The average score of the total sample is remarkable: 8 points out of 10.
91 % of consumers recommend retailers to provide paper bags.

What is the image of stores that provide paper bags?
For 36 % of consumers the image is very excellent.
The average score of the total sample is remarkable: 8 points out of 10.
91 % of consumers recommend retailers to provide paper bags.

Paper bags in supermarkets?
88 % of consumers would like to be able to choose between paper bags and plastic bags in the supermarket.
69 % would use a paper bag for grocery shopping.
At the same price, 70 % would choose a paper bag and 17 % would choose a plastic bag.
17 % would be willing to pay more for a paper bag.


Paper bags in supermarkets?
88 % of consumers would like to be able to choose between paper bags and plastic bags in the supermarket.
69 % would use a paper bag for grocery shopping.
At the same price, 70 % would choose a paper bag and 17 % would choose a plastic bag.
17 % would be willing to pay more for a paper bag.