In the last five years there have been dramatically different events that have marked the evolution and development of the shopping bags.

We have a new European legislation, which standardizes the use of bags that are delivered to consumers in the shops under the criteria of sustainability, penalizing the bags are harmful to the environment. To this affection, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union enacted the Directive (EU) 2015/720 of 29 April 2015 amending Directive 94/62/EC.

The adaptations to the Directive of the EU Member States of our environment, such as Portugal and France or the initiatives of autonomous communities of our country as Andalusia and Catalonia have led to a new framework for action that articulate new standards of conduct for the businesses to expend their bags.

Has also evolved, in recent times, the social responsibility of large distribution groups and trade in general that, together with the new environmental awareness of consumers is leading the development of an economy and a more sustainable consumption.

In this new scenario the paper bags are gaining their place in the market. Its natural sphere of implementation are the commercial sectors of the fashion, footwear, home, plug-ins, cosmetics, jewelry and watch stores, gift, sports, toys, electronics, cafes and bakeries. In all of them, he has increased the participation and use.

There are three key factors to have arrived at the current market penetration.

In the first place, the overall sustainability of paper bags. Are renewable to come from a natural means of cultivation; they are biodegradable, preventing damage to the environment by land and sea; they are recyclable, have up to seven cycles of life and are reusable, as recently has shown a ITENE study.

Second, the functionality of the paper bags. There is a paper bag type, there is a paper bag for each type of trade, section, product or use. At the end of the day, a paper bag is a packaging that has to endure a volume, weight and transport.

To achieve this versatility and adaptability of the paper bags to the broad requirements of trade, has been instrumental in the development of a new competitiveness and innovation-oriented of the value chain formed by the manufacturers, paper bags, handles, machinery, inks and glues.

Third, the contribution to the brand image of the business signs. The paper bags with their different shapes, textures, finishes and types of printing, allow you to faithfully reflect the brand image that a trade seeks to convey to their customers.

Generally, the type of bag defines to trade in the USA, for good and for evil.

The paper bags also are gaining market shares in the great distribution, if not in the boxes, as is already the case in other countries of our environment, whether within the same commercial space, in sections such as the bakery, cosmetics, luxury, gourmet spaces or catering, etc.

In the sale online, where the delivery of the products is a key factor, paper bags are present from the first day, this new sector of the economy that is born with innovative ideas and creating new rules of the game, has valued the functions and the image of the paper bags as a fundamental element at the time of delivery and satisfaction of its customers.

The future is to continue adding value and adaptability to the challenges of the multichannel commerce, with a modern processing industry, generating employment and promoter of new solutions to meet the multiple needs of all sectors of the distribution and product manufacturers.

The manufacturers of paper bags are part of the value chain of the macro paper sector. The key sector of the new Bioeconomy descarbonizada, based on an efficient use of renewable and recyclable materials, for the manufacture of natural products with high added value.

The industry of the wood fiber is, together with the agriculture, in terms of tonnage and value added, the greater part of the bio-economy.

In the very near future even greater attention to the sustainability of the raw materials used in the manufacture, sustainable consumption and recycling to boost efficiency in the use of resources and reduce CO2 emissions.

The bio-products such as paper bags will have a majority and will comply with the demands and expectations of the new consumers.